“Seeds of Betrayal: Of Angels and Olympians” is a captivating continuation of the series. With its well-developed characters, unexpected twists, and thought-provoking exploration of alliances and betrayals, this book will keep readers engaged from start to finish.
Tag: Fantasy
The Blood of a Dragon
Great storyline, lots of surprises & Clever composition. The characters were fascinating and the species were wonderfully shifted from exemplary dream figures of speech. Extraordinary work, Enthusiastically Suggested this book.
The Space Traveller’s Lover
Book Excellence Award Finalist in Science-Fiction
The Movement
“Datta’s head-spinning, time-bending Time Corrector science-fiction/romance epic continues, after The Winding, with this follow-up that doubles down on the first book’s already grand ambitions.”
Captain James Heron First into the Fray
It is a suspenseful and exciting read. Very highly recommended – for both fantasy and historical fiction lovers.
Abigail’s Window
Ghosts, history and the power of love. Something for everyone. Buy it, cry a little, smile a lot.
Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands
A well-written novel with fantastic characters. Loved Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures.
Two Moons of Merth
Fast Paced, Creative, Adventure. Definitely check this book out if you like fantasy, magic, and the inner workings of royal families.
If you are a fan of science fiction and enjoy stories with intricate world-building, dynamic characters, and thought-provoking themes, Mellissadorha by P.N. Holland may be worth checking out.
When Her Heart Beats in Indiana
This is the book you’ve been looking for!