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This guide book of natural, age-proven techniques taken from Yoga and related disciplines can be applied immediately to improve literally every aspect of life.


The author has collected these specific Yoga techniques and practices over the past 40 years. This guide is the first time that so many of them have been assembled into an easy to use guide. This book is intended for those who have some awareness of Yoga, of what it is and what are the many benefits which Yoga offers. It is very much a follow-on to the author’s prior book “Yogic Wisdom,” which is an overview of Yoga through the words of true Yoga Masters. This book is a guide to specific uses of proven Yoga techniques and practices, as applied to specific situations and challenges in real life. This book is very much a user’s guide. The essence of Yoga is that it gives a specific path, and very specific practices, for a more healthful, positive and successful life. It is a proven system, and it is self-contained. The Yoga path is not easy, but the benefits available to a serious, consistent practitioner are almost endless and all beneficial. They are certainly life changing. And the result, whether better health, peace, weight loss, control of disease or sickness, stress reduction, detoxification, age reduction, immune system enhancement, etc., is priceless. Remember, health is wealth, and Yoga shows the way!

Book Reviews
TACTICAL YOGA is a well written guide, with instruction, suggestions, observations and strategy tips, for living a healthy well-rounded lifestyle. I highly recommend this book.
Linda Fulton - Amazon Review

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This guide book of natural, age-proven techniques taken from Yoga and related disciplines can be applied immediately to improve literally every aspect of life.