“The Lumberjack” is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that plunges readers into a world where peace and nightmares collide. With its engaging characters, chilling secrets, and relentless suspense, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.


Looking for peace, she found a nightmare…

Fading movie star Christina Dawn has decided to start a new life, so she relocates from L.A. to a picturesque mountain town, hoping she’ll find peace and tranquility there.

Meanwhile, a man who has hunted a witness to a massacre for over fifty years has also settled in the town, Skull Creek, in an effort to keep a dangerous legacy hidden from the world.

Little do Christina and Nero know that their paths will soon cross, leading to a horrifying revelation: a practice that has recurred for centuries, causing the murders of countless people, none of which have ever been linked or solved.

The largest manhunt in history is about to take place. But what law enforcement will soon discover is that they aren’t the ones doing the hunting.

They’re the ones being hunted.

Book Reviews
"The Lumberjack" is a relentless and haunting thriller that will leave you breathless. With its skillful blend of mystery, suspense, and psychological tension, this book is a must-read for fans of the genre. Prepare to be captivated by the author's expert storytelling and the relentless hunt that will keep you guessing until the final page.
Floyd Largent - Amazon Review

Are you ready to read it now?

“The Lumberjack” is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that plunges readers into a world where peace and nightmares collide. With its engaging characters, chilling secrets, and relentless suspense, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.