Be taken on a journey with Father Steven Trimboli in this powerful novel, These Thy Gifts. Follow him through 50 years of his life as a priest–from a storefront church in Brooklyn to the dangers in Vietnam and beyond. With Father Trimboli’s refreshing mix of determination and spirituality, readers will be inspired by his tenacious fight for justice, faithfulness, and standing up for the oppressed.
Shed light on the complex struggles facing Catholics today in this timely story from Father Trimboli’s unique perspective as an Army Chaplain and pastor. With gripping drama against a vivid backdrop of Brooklyn block parties and treacherous jungles of Vietnam, These Thy Gifts is sure to captivate your attention. On this remarkable journey, find out firsthand how one man comes to terms with seemingly insurmountable injustices during his courageous career as a peacemaker during turbulent times.
You won’t want to miss this unforgettable experience with Father Steven Trimboli courageously revealing what it means to have faith even when confronted with the darkest secrets lurking behind closed doors, secrets that bring him face-to-face with the devastating truth of sexual abuse robbing the innocence of children by those whom they trust most—the church.

Join Father Trimboli and enter a world where faith can still be found among the pain and suffering caused by human atrocities with this dramatic novel These Thy Gifts—a powerful testament to resilience in love that goes beyond religion and glory days loyally living up to its own mission: To Serve The Lord!