Taking Time

“Mike Murphey’s novel is a masterpiece, from the gorgeous writing to the sophisticated characters, it delivers entertainment at its finest.”


The year is 2044. Housed in a secret complex beneath the eastern Arizona desert, a consortium of governments and corporations have undertaken a program on the scale of the Manhattan Project to bludgeon the laws of physics into submission and make time travel a reality. Fraught with insecurities, Marshall Grissom has spent his whole life trying not to call attention to himself, so he can’t imagine he would be remotely suited for the role of time travel pioneer. He’s even less enthusiastic about this corporate time-travel adventure when he learns that nudity is a job requirement. The task would better match the talents of candidates like the smart and beautiful Sheila Schuler, or the bristle-tough and rattlesnake-mean Marta Hamilton. As the project evolves into a clash between science and corporate greed, conflicts escalate. Those contributing the funding are mostly interested in manipulating time travel for profit, and will stop at nothing, including murder, to achieve their goals.

Book Reviews
"Taking Time puts the mechanics of time travel front and center, showcasing what's possible within the laws of physics yet explaining matters in a very accessible way. The process sounds plausible and scientifically sound, with Murphey devoting a fair amount of the narrative setting up the parameters of this historic breakthrough. It's easy to get swept away into the story, as the characters hurtle headlong into strange universes while dealing with ethical dilemmas, psychological trauma, and murderous enemies hiding in plainsight."
The Online Book Club - Amazon Review

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“Mike Murphey’s novel is a masterpiece, from the gorgeous writing to the sophisticated characters, it delivers entertainment at its finest.”