“Love Changed Everything: The Power of Love” is a poignant memoir by Eddie, vividly capturing his life from childhood poverty to the challenges of adulthood. Set against the backdrop of a coal town, the narrative explores intergenerational struggles, heartbreaks, and the transformative power of love. Wallace Briggs, known for his children’s fantasy genre works, demonstrates his versatile storytelling skills, delving into complex themes of family, ambition, and resilience.
Tag: Biographies & Memoirs
First, I absolutely love the book’s cover! It caught my eye immediately and I had to see what was inside. The historical information is fascinating. The stories about the women and their “firsts” is extremely inspiring. My step-dad was a tough Marine, so it was really cool to read about the women who played a significant role in the Marines and how they were able to make such a positive impact in what has been, traditionally, a man’s arena. Great book!
Cherries – A Vietnam War Novel
As an avid reader of many historical memoirs, both fiction and autobiographical, rarely have I found one as in depth and revealing as Mr. Podlaski’s work…