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What Would The Founding Fathers Tell Us Today?

A must read if interested in American politics. In this book, the author reflects on US history, politics, democratic theories, and principles in the form of fictional dialogs allowing the Founding Fathers to express their theories on what truly makes America great, and what will provide the American people today with real freedom and prosperity.


The book “WHAT WOULD THE FOUNDING FATHERS TELL US TODAY?” offers a reflection on American history, politics, democratic theories, and principles. Through fictional dialogues, it allows the Founding Fathers to express their views on what contributed to making America a model democracy, and what would ensure genuine freedom and prosperity for Americans today. The author asserts that democratic principles, as well as ethical and selfless leadership in service of the people, are essential pillars for achieving justice, equality, and prosperity for all.

The United States was established in the late 1700s as the first republic founded on modern democratic principles. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were foundational texts that governed the country, with a system of checks and balances that separated power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The Founding Fathers drew inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, which greatly influenced the shaping of the American political system. The American model of modern democracy became a benchmark for other countries to emulate, and its principles were adopted by nations around the world.

Presently, we are facing challenges in upholding the democratic principles that our country was founded upon. We are witnessing a slow erosion of these principles, resulting in increasing inequality, poverty, and mistrust among our citizens. One of the ways in which our democracy is being distorted is through covert voting restrictions and gerrymandering, which are betraying the American people by denying them a fair and equal say in their government. These practices are a clear violation of the democratic principles that we hold dear and must be addressed in order to preserve the integrity of our democracy.

Book Reviews
In What Would The Founding Fathers Tell Us Today?: Political Dialogs Between 1789 and 2040, Werner Neff addresses the political issues raging in America. He uses the bold technique of imagining some of the Founding Fathers—Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Madison, and Franklin—returning to today's world. He begins in 1789 by reviewing the discussions that occurred as they all met in Philadelphia to create an independent country, particularly the writing of the Articles of Confederation and later the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Mr. Neff creates informal, often humorous settings where the men's personalities interplay. But we see these men seriously creating the first modern democratic state. Then in 2020, they return to see how things are going. For the reader, Mr. Neff predicts "an intriguing read." And his prediction is spot on—but "intriguing" is an understatement because what a mess they discover! Before politics, however, they marvel at modernism in vehicles, buildings, smells, clothing, and food, and at their thirteen colonies having turned into 50 states. When their shock and awe settle, they see how reliance upon good faith, ethical behavior, and virtue has disintegrated into partisan rancor, particularly in the election process itself. They blame themselves for having created two flawed systems: the Electoral College and Gerrymandering. Then they go on to present what they believe will correct the current problems with present-day elections. Democracy depends, they say, on reliable elections. Throughout, Werner Neff imagines lively discussions on these issues among the returning Founders. The Founding Fathers Visiting the United States: Relevance and Meaning in America by Werner Neff illuminates our problems and offers possible solutions in an insightful and "intriguing" manner. This book might just help bring about the useful changes he proposes.
Jon Michael Miller - Amazon Review

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A must read if interested in American politics. In this book, the author reflects on US history, politics, democratic theories, and principles in the form of fictional dialogs allowing the Founding Fathers to express their theories on what truly makes America great, and what will provide the American people today with real freedom and prosperity.