Talon, Connected

Talon Connected–The True Meanings of Life. A Great and Thrilling Read with an Important Message of “We are all Connected”!!!


Thrilling drama how to overcome afflictions in a positive way.

A celebration and beauty of life with a life lesson that we are all connected as Elcano, the frail elder of the village, shares with her and because of her, the condors will be protected.

This is a powerful story with an important underlying message that “We are all connected” and that good, in the end, will overcome evil.

In Talon Connected comes forth the beauty of life where animal and human can survive the odds by working together to help each other.

With the death of a village elder, Matica comes to learn how to grieve yet celebrate life. She learns to share a special moment like her brother’s birthday party without the need of expensive gifts. She also learns of the threats to humans as well as animals when the poachers come back, with the intention to kill Talon.

Book Reviews
“Talon Connected” is the fourth book in the “Talon Series” by the very talented author, Gigi Sedlmayer. To recap the previous 3 books in this series, Matika lives in a small Peruvian Indian village with her mother Mira, her father Crayn and her brother Aikon. As a special needs child and very small for her age due to a hormone condition, Matika initially was mocked and ostracized by the local villagers who found her strange and scary. Matika eventually befriends 2 giant condors Tamo and Tima. Through her heroic efforts, their offspring, Talon, is saved from poachers who are after condor eggs. She then develops a very close relationship with the growing Talon and learns to fly on his back. Finally, her small stature has become a great benefit instead of a horrible disability. In book 3, all three condors save Matica’s father’s life by discovering a special leaf with medicinal properties that is used to treat a poisonous spider bite obtained on a journey through the Amazon jungle. In this fourth of the five book Talon series, “Talon Connected”, Matika who is now 11 years old is on a new exciting journey of spiritual growth. In “Talon Connected”, the same evil poachers are again out to find and kill Talon. Elcano, “the oldest and wisest (man) in their village” has met with Matika who shows him the magically healing leaf which he recognizes from the past. He assures her, as the village’s spiritual leader, that the leaf will continue to heal her father and that his people will protect Talon, Tima and Tamo, Matika and her family from the poachers. He also assures Matika that she will learn a most important life lesson that good triumphs over evil and that “We are all connected” as separate as we may often seem. The flow of this book was superb. The author’s writing style as always was exciting and the editing and formatting were excellent. This is a great story with an important underlying thesis that “We are all connected” and that good, in the end, will overcome evil. I highly recommend “Talon Connected” to adult and young adult readers alike who love an exciting story with an important life lesson.
James Okun - Amazon Review

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Talon Connected–The True Meanings of Life. A Great and Thrilling Read with an Important Message of “We are all Connected”!!!