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Raven’s Lament

Beautifully written, Raven’s Lament takes the reader into the spirit world of ancient and magical Haida legends. Written with a reverence for nature and native cultures, this read is bound to touch your soul.


Protesting the logging of an old-growth forest, an environmentalist fells a rare tree, unwittingly releasing…something…into our world. After his subsequent disappearance, reporter Brooke Grant looks for answers. During his investigation he finds the love of his life, only to lose her to, well, he doesn’t really know what. Brooke enlists the aid of his love’s intriguing and extraordinary shaman uncle to help save her. Only they don’t only have to save her, but save the world from being changed forever.

Frank Talaber, Writer by Soul.
A natural storyteller, whose compelling thoughts are freed from the depths of the heart and the subconscious before being poured onto the page.
Literature written beyond the realms of genre he is known to grab readers; kicking, screaming, laughing or crying and drag them into his novels.
Enter the literary world of Frank Talaber.

“This is a must-read book from Frank Talaber. I couldn’t put it down! But as much as I wanted to know what happens I never wanted it to finish. Great book!”
Faith Curtis

“I was touched when I sensed the author’s profound reverence for trees; especially when I read his descriptions of the ‘sobbing trees’ as they were axed down. This novel has the ring of an epic ‘Lord of the Rings’ journey -this is one journey that I’ll always remember!”
Stephanie Bridgeman/It’s A Funny Kind Of Thing That Happened

“After being stranded twenty kilometers from the nearest road at the tip of Rose Spit, Haida Gwaii, and having to push his spanking new SUV a few kilometers along the beach before the tide came in and we ran out of booze, my first reaction on being asked to write a back cover blurb was, “over my dead body.” Some people will do anything to get an endorsement.”
Susan Musgrave/Cargo Of Orchids

Book Reviews
"Ravens Lament" starts with a startling event - the chopping down of a rare 'Golden Spruce.' A misguided environmentalist makes the ironically twisted point: people shouldn't ever cut down trees (by cutting down a sacred tree)! I enjoyed seeing "The Shaman" ('Charlie') and his niece, 'Chelan', appear in the author's other novel: "Shaman's Lure". Next, he had to battle the Raven! Another character, a New York Times reporter ('Brook Grant') keeps the story action flowing, as he follows the trail of broken trees -all the way to Canada. The Golden Spruce was hacked down, like an ordinary pawn, though it had entombed a Prince and a God ('Raven'). The vicious act of chopping apart the Golden Spruce tree freed both (arch enemies for centuries). These two antagonists battled ferociously until the Raven prevailed. Then Raven Trickster caused mayhem, as he roamed among the unsuspecting people. Aging, by the minute, after being 'freed', the Raven searched desperately for the 'Rock of Eternal Life': that was buried in the Golden Spruce with them for "eternity". Brook, the reporter, found and kept the 'all-important' Rock. The Raven tried to trick Brook to give it away since rules didn't allow him to take it! Frank Talaber brings many of the disappearing Indian Myths to life that people in this modern age have forgotten. One of the myths explored in this book: tells us about the mighty 'Raven' who had once opened a giant clamshell, to birth the 'Haidas' Tribe. This action made Raven, first and foremost, the most powerful God in Haidas mythology. When Raven attempts to force the Haidas' people back to their primitive roots, they resist. Their "Raven God" goes berserk, and it takes 'all hands on deck' to battle him. I found the author's use of the words from the Haida language gives an authenticity to the book: showing his painstaking research. It was interesting to me, that a romance developed (with Chelan and Brook) amidst all the turmoil. I thought it was hilarious the way Charlie, the Shaman was described: he supposedly has God-like powers but suffers from 'lactose intolerance!' I was touched when I sensed the author's profound reverence for trees; especially when I read his descriptions of the 'sobbing trees' as they were axed down. This novel has the ring of an epic "Lord of the Rings" journey -this is one journey that I'll always remember!
Stephanie A. Bridgeman - Amazon Review

Are you ready to read it now?

Beautifully written, Raven’s Lament takes the reader into the spirit world of ancient and magical Haida legends. Written with a reverence for nature and native cultures, this read is bound to touch your soul.