"Pippin's Country Adventure follows a spry poodle named Pippin that heads out on a fun filled adventure where he meets a variety of animals, learns something new from each of them, and gets to practice his counting skills along the way.
This lively children's book deftly combines several educational aspects into a fun story that will delight young readers as it teaches them something useful. I enjoyed how counting was part of the story. It not only lets readers practice counting, but it allows them to also recognize the word for the number, rather than just showing the number on the page like many other children's books. On top of learning to count, children will also get to learn a fun fact about each animal they encounter. All of this is told with simple language and vivid illustrations on each page that really captures the fun Pippin is having.
This is an educational picture book that will help readers with counting, teach them about animals, and will also help them with their reading comprehension as there are several questions in the back of the book that will prompt a good discussion about what happened in the book.
Pippin's Country Adventure is an enjoyable kids book that I highly recommend for parents and teachers working on reading comprehension as there are a lot of fun things that happen in this book."