
“Kingmaker” explores the triumphs and trials of Leon Muller, a powerful figure in Wallachia’s tumultuous era. As he faces the Ottoman Empire’s threat, Muller’s pride crumbles, leading him to a pivotal battle for Western Europe’s fate. In the riveting sixth volume of the ‘Alpine Warrior’ series, Muller’s mettle is tested against overwhelming odds.


Triumph and tragedy are two sides of the same coin.
Leon Muller is now the most powerful man in all Wallachia, more powerful than its king and stronger than the man who hired him to win the crown of that kingdom: Prince Vlad Dracula. But pride comes before a fall and as the divided powers of Western Europe prepare to face the might of a ravenous Ottoman Empire, all Leon’s plans and dreams turn to dust and he is forced to walk another path. That path leads to him taking part in a battle that will decide not only the fate of Wallachia and Hungary, but all Western Europe as the sultan’s mighty army prepares to crush its enemies underfoot.
Greatly outnumbered, abandoned by their allies and isolated, Leon and John Hunyadi, Hungary’s greatest warlord, muster their meagre forces to draw a line in the sand, which the sultan’s hordes must not cross. The scene is set for the most decisive battle of the age and the greatest test of Leon’s veteran army, a force that has been forged on the anvil of adversity and has never tasted defeat.
‘Kingmaker’ is the sixth volume in the ‘Alpine Warrior’ series – the story of Swiss soldier Leon Muller in the wars of the 15th Century when Europe was torn apart by civil, religious, dynastic and imperial conflicts. Maps of the Ottoman Empire, Wallachia and the siege of Belgrade are available to view and download on the maps page of my website.

Book Reviews
"Kingmaker" unveils the dual facets of triumph and tragedy as Leon Muller, the formidable force in Wallachia, faces the looming Ottoman Empire. Pride transforms into downfall, leading Muller to a pivotal battle for Western Europe's destiny. In this sixth 'Alpine Warrior' installment, Muller, now the most powerful in Wallachia, navigates the complexities of alliances, outnumbered and isolated, in a battle that could reshape the fate of nations. The narrative, set against the 15th-century European conflicts, brilliantly captures the essence of a veteran army's resilience and the harsh realities of war. "Kingmaker" is an epic tale of honor, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of those forged on the anvil of adversity.
Amazon Customer - Amazon Review

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“Kingmaker” explores the triumphs and trials of Leon Muller, a powerful figure in Wallachia’s tumultuous era. As he faces the Ottoman Empire’s threat, Muller’s pride crumbles, leading him to a pivotal battle for Western Europe’s fate. In the riveting sixth volume of the ‘Alpine Warrior’ series, Muller’s mettle is tested against overwhelming odds.