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“Homesteader: Finding Sharon” unfolds in the challenging 1880s Canadian frontier. Hank James faces adversity as he seeks his dream land and love. Facing off against cattle tycoon Portis Martin, Hank fights for equality and a lifetime partner, defying dirty tricks to claim his stake. A tale of resilience and love in the rugged West.


Claiming your share of the so called “free” land in the rugged and wide Canadian frontier in the 1880s was a difficult, demanding task. When someone tries to run roughshod over the “nesters” increasing the workload and demands, its time to take a stand.

There is more than bad weather for Hank James to contend with as he rides in search of the land of his dreams and the woman of his heart. Portis Martin, manager of a large cattle company, has no use for the small homesteaders that have begun to pepper the area…and he isn’t afraid of using every dirty trick he knows to run them out.

And Portis had been doing a pretty good job of it until what he decides are two saddle tramps, Hank James and his partner, Harry Gilmore arrive in the area.
Hank James wants equality. Hank James wants a life-time partner.
And, damn it, he’s going to get both.

Book Reviews
"Homesteader: Finding Sharon" delves into the challenging 1880s Canadian frontier, where claiming "free" land demanded resilience. Hank James faces not only the rugged landscape but also the ruthless Portis Martin, a cattle company manager set on driving out homesteaders. Despite Martin's dirty tricks, Hank and his partner, Harry Gilmore, disrupt the status quo. Hank's journey is fueled by a quest for equality and a life partner, challenging the powerful forces attempting to exploit the small homesteaders. As he defies intimidation, "Homesteader" becomes a tale of resilience against corporate greed. Against the untamed frontier, this gripping saga unfolds with Hank determined to secure both his dreams – equality and a lifetime partner. The story resonates with timeless themes of justice, love, and the human spirit's indomitable pursuit of a better life in the rugged wilderness of 1880s Canada.
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“Homesteader: Finding Sharon” unfolds in the challenging 1880s Canadian frontier. Hank James faces adversity as he seeks his dream land and love. Facing off against cattle tycoon Portis Martin, Hank fights for equality and a lifetime partner, defying dirty tricks to claim his stake. A tale of resilience and love in the rugged West.