Talon, Windsong

What a page turning book. In this series, even though we do not have the poachers hunting the condors, it is still exciting, especially the part where Matica encountered the puma and big cats while travelling with Talon. I also like it that this book teaches you more about acceptance. While it is quite fun to be flying with Talon (As I was reading this book, I was sometimes thinking how thrilling it would be to fly with a condor), Matica found it a difficult decision when she is going for a holiday to Australia, especially due to the thoughts of separating from Talon while she was away. Furthermore, as Matica grows older, it may not be so appropriate to be flying with Talon all the while. She indeed has a lot to learn and has to slowly accept the changes/transitions in her life.


Finalist with: BOOK EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2021

More thrilling adventures with Matica and Talon.

The poachers are gone, and the birds are safe. Now Matica is becoming anxious thinking of the upcoming holiday to Australia – she does not want to go or leave her birds. But Talon, understanding her misery, helps to ease her mind.

With distractions all sides, Matica soon finds herself involved in current happenings – the letting go of Elcano’s ashes from the top of the Andes, and near tragedy of Crayn falling while climbing up the mountain. The condors play a vital role in saving the day.

Talon shows Matica the puma and her cubs. But things go wrong when the female puma smells them and attacks. Will they escape the big cat?

As a birthday surprise for Matica, Aikon asked the birds to fly with her for the whole day. The birds agree and the thrilling adventures she has now with near misses, the finding of old bones, snakes and spiders, Talon Windsong adventures will keep you turning the pages and on the edge of your seat.

Book Reviews
"Talon Windsong" is the sixth book in the "Talon" action adventures for readers age 9 and up. The story begins with celebration in the village, nestled in the mountains of Peru. The poachers are in custody, the village, the condors and all wildlife are safe for now. For Matica (young girl with a disability) the celebration is bitter sweet, as time is approaching for her to travel to Australia, and leave her condor friends.Matica lets go of her worry for now, as life goes on. By chapter eighteen, the journey up the rugged mountain side, with the condors flying overhead concludes, when they scatter Elcano's (Pajaro's father) ashes over the Andes mountain canyons, with the help of a brisk mountain breeze.For Matica and the others, the impending danger of falling off the mountain is avoided one step at a time, while climbing and descending. For all the beauty this environment has to offer, the dangers of natural predators like huge monitor lizards, ants, spiders, snakes and pumas (big cats) are ever present.Intrusive thoughts keep Matica's mind restless, as her vacation back to Australia draws near. Talking things out with her best friends, Tamo, Tima and Talon(condors), she explains:'You know, in Australia, I was happy, as much as I can remember. I felt secure and happy, even with my affliction, because I fitted in, somehow. I thought I was, because I had friends. Friends?' She pursed her lips then thrusted up her chin. 'Yes, I had one special friend, she was like me. Not in the same school, not even close where we lived, but we were talking a lot on the phone. My doctor brought us together. Well,' she nodded, 'yes, I didn't want to end that and go to Peru after Dad told me we have to come there. What will await me there? I was afraid. I was devastated hearing it. How will it be there? Will they accept me as I am, or will they reject me? No one rejected me in Australia. Even some looked strangely at me. Well, at that time, I didn't know how it would feel to be rejected. I only know that now, where it happened.' She nodded, looking into Talon's eyes, as he looked at her, trying to understand her. 'And then coming here,' she continued, 'I was so lonely because the Indians didn't accept me, they rejected me. That was the worst thing that happened to me. I had no one to talk to or play to, until I found you, Tamo.'She looked at him. Tamo nodded, as if he understood what Matica said.'That was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. And that had changed everything, yes, everything.' She reflected and nodded. 'Hey,' Matica suddenly laughed. 'You just looked at all of me. That's it. Yes, because of my disability. And that's who I am. As Mum is telling me: "That's who you are". Those are her words.'Talon grunted, so did Tamo and Tima, looking her up as well. All three shook their heads.'You don't think I'm strange looking, right? Even you know Aikon and my parents, they're normal. And the Indians.'The birds poked her chest. Talon grunted, it sounded to her as if he said, I love you. And, you are normal to me. And with that, you can fly on me. Tamo and Tima followed his sound.Matica grinned happy and stroked their heads. She went on: 'And that, my birds, was and is the best thing that could have happened to me. Now I'm so happy with you Talon and Tamo and Tima. And it all started with you, Tamo.'She looked at him. He bent his neck down to her and kissed her on the nose. 'If you wouldn't have been curious of me and wouldn't have come down to greet me, all this wouldn't have happened. And now we have to end that and go back to Australia?' She shook her head. 'How will it be?'Children can relate to Matica's worries about leaving her familiar environment, even for a short visit. The "Talon" adventures that play out in the 95 chapters, will teach and inspire young minds. Award Winning Author Gisela Sedlmayer does an excellent job with her Talon series. Gisela's descriptive storytelling, age appropriate language, believable characters, and wildlife drama will engage young minds. In an age of cell phones, electronic notebooks, and hectic lifestyles, it is important to instill good reading habits in our children. As a grandmother, I invite you to share all six books in this "Talon" series with the children in your life.
Theodocia McLean - Amazon Review

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What a page turning book. In this series, even though we do not have the poachers hunting the condors, it is still exciting, especially the part where Matica encountered the puma and big cats while travelling with Talon. I also like it that this book teaches you more about acceptance. While it is quite fun to be flying with Talon (As I was reading this book, I was sometimes thinking how thrilling it would be to fly with a condor), Matica found it a difficult decision when she is going for a holiday to Australia, especially due to the thoughts of separating from Talon while she was away. Furthermore, as Matica grows older, it may not be so appropriate to be flying with Talon all the while. She indeed has a lot to learn and has to slowly accept the changes/transitions in her life.